Black Mustard Seeds






Black mustard seeds are the seeds of the mustard plant, usually black or dark brown.
The particles are smaller, usually slightly smaller than yellow mustard seeds.
Able to be stored for a long time without losing its properties.

Taste and smell:
The flavor of black mustard seeds is stronger and pungent than yellow mustard seeds.
Spicy flavors are often released during the cooking process, especially when roasted or sautéed.
It has a distinctive sharp, spicy odor that is stronger than that of yellow mustard seeds.


Cooking dishes:
Very common in Indian cuisine, used in tadka (seasoning) or to add flavor to curries.
Can be used to make a variety of sauces and pickles, such as the Indian “Kasundi”.
In Middle Eastern cuisine, black mustard seeds are also often used in sauces and condiments.
Because of its strong flavor, only a small amount is usually needed.

Applicable dishes:
Chickpea rolls, marinated beef, chicken, duck, mutton, vegetable stew, curry shrimp, pickled sauerkraut, Bengali allspice powder, South Indian sambal powder

**Black mustard seeds have found a place in many culinary traditions around the world for their unique pungent flavor and versatility. This spice not only adds depth and complexity to the dish, but also provides a unique cultural connection.
