Black Pepper Powder






Black pepper powder is ground from the dried fruits of black peppercorns.
It is one of the most commonly used spices in the world.
The color is gray-black and the texture is fine.

Taste and smell:
The flavor is spicy, slightly bitter, with subtle woody and floral notes.
The smell is strong and sharp, with a warm and spicy aroma.


Cooking dishes:
Black pepper is used in a variety of dishes, from simple scrambled eggs to complex curries and stews.
It is an important ingredient in most meat and seafood preparations.
Often mixed with other spices to make various seasoning powders and marinades.
In Western cuisine, it is often used to flavor soups, stews, and stews.

Applicable dishes:
Black pepper beef tenderloin, black pepper steak sauce, pepper cake, grilled shrimp, Hakka salted pork, pepper conch, American BBQ, hamburger steak, Teppanyaki, puff pastry soup

**Black pepper is a very versatile spice that can be used in almost any kind of cooking. Not only does it enhance the flavor of food, it also provides a subtle spiciness that makes dishes more intriguing. Therefore, black pepper is an essential item in kitchens across the globe.
