Papaya Dices






Color: Ripe papaya pulp is orange or orange-yellow.
Texture: Soft, juicy pulp, often black in color with few seeds.

Taste and smell:
Tropical, sweet and fragrant: Papaya has a unique sweetness that varies with variety and ripeness.


Cooking dishes:
Salads: Papaya often appears in salads with seafood such as shrimp or crabmeat.
Desserts: papaya juice, papaya smoothie, papaya pudding, etc.
Tropical Drinks: Papaya juice is a great choice for a tropical drink.
Cooking: In some Asian cuisine, unripe papaya is used as a vegetable, such as papaya salad (Thailand).

**Papaya is loved for its juicy, sweet flavor. In cooking, it can be used as a dish on its own or combined with other ingredients to provide multiple layers of texture and flavor. Its juicy texture and sweet flavor make it ideal in tropical-style cuisine.
