Oregano Powder






Oregano powder is a powder made from dried oregano leaves. Because it is in powder form, it distributes and mixes well and is often used in various dishes.

Taste and Smell:
Oregano powder retains the characteristic aroma of oregano leaves, with a slight bitterness, spiciness and a little sweetness.
Its smell and taste are relatively strong and have a Mediterranean flavor profile.


Cooking dishes:
Pizza and Pasta: Oregano powder is often sprinkled on pizza or mixed into various pasta sauces to add a distinctive flavor.
Meat and Seafood: It can also be used to cook meat and seafood, especially when making Mediterranean-style dishes.
Soups and Stews: Oregano powder can also be added to a variety of soups and stews to enhance the aroma.
Sauces and Condiments: Because of its powder form, oregano powder is particularly suitable for use in sauces or mixed into other condiments.

Applicable dishes:
Pizza, Shrimp Sautéed with Oregano Mushrooms, Herb Roast Lamb, Bolognese Sauce, Chipotle Bean Sauce, Beef Stew, BBQ

**Due to the strong flavor of oregano powder, care should be taken when cooking to avoid overdosing it.
