Curry Leave






Curry leaves have small, oblong, green leaves that usually stay green, even after cooking.
From the curry tree (Murraya koenigii), a small evergreen tree or shrub.

Taste and Smell:
Curry leaves have a slightly lemony flavor, but it has its own unique flavor that is different from curry powder.
The smell of curry leaves is strong, aromatic, and sometimes citrusy.


Cooking dishes:
Sprinkled over dishes: In South Asian cuisine, especially South Indian, Sri Lankan and Malaysian recipes, curry leaves are often used as a garnish or to add flavor.
Frying: In some dishes, curry leaves are fried in oil until crispy and then other ingredients are added.
Condiment: Curry leaves are often used as the main condiment when cooking curries, stews, fried rice or noodles.
Marinating: Curry leaves are used for marinating in some recipes, especially when preparing fish or meat in Malaysian or Indonesian cuisine.

Applicable dishes:
Indonesian spicy mackerel, stewed meat, soup, hot pot, lentil curry, curry leaf chutney, Indian chicken rice stew, curry leaf cold brew tea
